About Us
The Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce is the only professional organization representing the entire depth and breadth of the Cranbrook business community. With over 500 members spanning the entire cross section of the local economy the Chamber is in a strong position to Build Business & Community
With clarity and an enhanced focus the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce can strategically direct policy and lobby to ensure a successful and sustainable future for the economy of Cranbrook.
Mission Statement
Leading a healthy business climate in Cranbrook
Vision Statement
A valued and respected champion of business and a positive contributor to our community
Goals and Key Performance Indicators
The Board of Directors of the Cranbrook of Commerce in comprised of 12 members; Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Treasurer, and Eight Directors.
At the 2019 Annual General Meeting the Board President, Vice President, and Treasurer will be elected for one-year term. Four directors will be elected for a two-year term. The Immediate Past President is and automatic succession. There are four directors with one year remaining on their term.
Under the Carver Governance Model that the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce has adopted, a Director’s work is governance and policy. It is incumbant upon those seeking nomination to Board positions to understand the basic underlying pronciples of this system. More information is available from the Chamber Executive Director.
Legislative and Fiscal Year
The legislative year for the Chamber runs from April 01 to March 31
The fiscal year for the Chamber runs from January 01 to December 31