How To Do Business with the City and the Province of British Columbia
The City of Cranbrook will be holding a Community Vendor Information Session on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 9am. The two hour session will be held at the Manual Training School Meeting & Conference Centre located at 1212 2nd Street North.
Information on the following will be provided:
– City of Cranbrook Purchasing Policy – Invitation to Tenders and Requests for Proposals – City of Cranbrook Hired Equipment List – New vendors interested in working with the City
Interested participants should register no later than 3:30pm, Wednesday, September 10, 2014 via telephone or email to:
Melissa Smith Financial Services Manager (250) 489-0265 [email protected]
How To Do Business with the Province of British Columbia
Over $6.6 billion are spent every year on government goods and services in BC. Do you know about the opportunities that are available for your business? This introductory seminar will provide you with the information and tools you need to bid for business opportunities to work with the BC Provincial Government. You will also learn about the new Short Form Request for Proposal (SRFP) introduced by the Government of BC in April of 2014.
This seminar is a high level overview designed for individuals and businesses that aren’t currently doing business with the BC Government but are interested in learning how they can. Attendees will get the information and tools necessary to actually start browsing opportunities and bidding on government contract. Seminar information will include
Provincial procurement
BC Bids (how to browse opportunities and how to register to submit bids)
The different types of procurement opportunities (including the new SRFP)
Process flow for responding to an opportunity and expecting results
Direct awards
Corporate supply agreements
Tips on what to avoid when responding to an opportunity.
This New Provincial Procurement Seminar will take place on:
Tuesday, September 23rd at 9 AM. This hour and a half seminar will be held in the Board room at the Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce.
To register go to: http://www.eventhebrite.com/e/how-to-do-business-with-the-bc-government-tickets-12467762413