Every business owner or manager knows that competitive pricing is only part of what encourages customer loyalty. The entire shopping experience and working environment created by employers and staff can establish your business as the top choice for consumers.
College of the Rockies has partnered with the Cranbrook & District Chamber of Commerce and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy for a FREE Business Without Borders Workshop for local business owners and managers to be held at College of the Rockies in room #151 on Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 from 6pm to 8pm. The Benefits of a Diverse Workforce and the BFOR Criteria, which helps to reduce employee turnover, are only two of the topics discussed and explored through group activities. Other topics include improving staff communication, developing loyalty and commitment as well as considering new Canadians in your succession plan.
Those interested in broadening business strategies to include finding and learning new ways to increase clientele and staff communication MUST REGISTER to participate by calling the Cranbrook & District Chamber of Commerce at (250) 426-5914 or by email to [email protected].
Business Without Borders, a Welcoming Communities Project funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia, is offering workshops at no cost until March 31st, 2014.