We need your assistance as we embark on a targeted project to drive growth and expansion in the Kootenay’s manufacturing and technology sector.
Delivered through a partnership between the City of Cranbrook and the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC), this Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) initiative is part of both a Basin-wide Columbia Basin Trust initiative focusing on the Manufacturing and Technology Sectors (MATS), and broader BRE activities undertaken by the City of Cranbrook.
Manufacturing and Technology Sector (MATS) is a two-year Columbia Basin Trust initiative delivered by the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) and the Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC). The Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) project is one of the key components of MATS, with additional support provided by the Rural Development Institute (RDI).
Over the next few months, representatives of the program will be contacting businesses in the Columbia Basin to conduct a standardized in-depth study. The retention and expansion of local businesses has a significant positive impact on job creation and the economic health of our communities. Collecting this information will allow for greater understanding of the sector, enabling targeted responses geared directly to the needs of regional businesses.
“The BR&E’s purpose is to support informed decision making through the provision of relevant and current research that will allow us to tailor specific initiatives to specific needs uncovered through the process. Accurate information, and a broad understanding of the sector, is essential to best serve its needs,” explained Kelvin Saldern, KAST’s Executive Director.
Your participation in this survey will help inform direct initiatives, funding and support by local and regional economic development organizations to address the needs of businesses in the sector; encouraging them to stay (retain) and grow (expand).
All participants will also be entered into a draw for a Kindle!
“Implementing this Basin wide, sector-focused BR&E project will help us fulfill our goal of supporting growth in the manufacturing and technology sector,” explained Larry Sparks, KRIC’s Executive Director.
Your participation will directly contribute to the development of a roadmap to an ever more vibrant and successful future for manufacturing and technology companies like yours. As a participant, you’ll also have access to the regional reports. Individual company’s data will remain confidential, with only rolled-up data made available to participants.
Thanks for your assistance in helping to create a stronger, more vibrant local manufacturing and technology sector.
Sincerely yours,
Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC) and the City of Cranbrook
What is Business Retention and Expansion?
Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) is an action-oriented and community-based approach to business and economic development.
It promotes job retention and growth by helping communities learn about issues and the concerns of, as well as opportunities for, local businesses, and set priorities for projects to address these needs. Ultimately, communities will have greater success in attracting new business if existing businesses have favourable economic conditions, and strong local support.
Short-term BR&E Objectives
- Measure the size and impact of the sector.
- Identify and prioritize common issues and concerns.
- Provide sector reports to municipalities and local and regional economic development agencies for targeted follow-up action.
Long-term BR&E Objectives
- Increase the competitiveness of local businesses.
- Take action on identified issues and concerns as part of an economic development strategy.
- Promote business development and job creation.
What do I get out of it?
The ability to have a direct impact on the priorities, initiatives and funding of local and regional economic development agencies that directly support your sector.
Participating businesses will be able to access the rolled-up, regional reports generated from the data gathered. All individual business’ information gathered through the surveys will remain 100% confidential. The available reports will be a conglomeration of the region-wide data collected.
How much time will it take?
Surveys will be conducted in-person, with a researcher on site, or over the phone. Interviews will take between one and one-and-a-half hours to complete.
How do I participate?
Simply reply to this email, indicating dates and/or times for a researcher to visit your business, and we will follow-up to confirm.