In Roman numerals, the number 100 is represented by the letter ‘C’. While collectively, the Cranbrook & District Chamber of Commerce Centennial Year Celebration contains only seven Cs, it plans to make up the difference—and then some—in an initiative called 100 Days of Community Spirit.
The 100th anniversary of the Cranbrook & District Chamber of Commerce falls on July 7, 2010. However, the festivities will begin on March 29, 2010—100 days before the centennial date—and will continue every day with a celebration of the community spirit. The 100-day celebration will culminate on July 7th with a banquet honouring all the former presidents of the Cranbrook & District Chamber of Commerce.
The goal of the Chamber is to showcase everything that happens in the community, and how Cranbrook’s businesses and organizations help to create the cohesiveness and collective vision that drive the community and support the various initiatives that make this an amazing place to live, work and play.
The Chamber asks for your help in this ongoing build up to July 7th. We are looking to fill each day of the calendar with an event that celebrates, creates or enhances community spirit in and around Cranbrook. If you or your organization is part of an already scheduled event, or if you would like to organize and event that celebrates Cranbrook’s community spirit, please call or email the Chamber office so that we can include it on our calendar and web page. We welcome participation from everyone: individuals, families, businesses, community organizations, schools and neighbourhoods.
There are 100 days and 100 ways to celebrate this community. Come out and show us your spirit.