New Provincial Procurement Initiative Seminar
This seminar is a high level overview designed for individuals and businesses who aren`t currently doing business with the BC Government but are interested in learning how they can. Attendees will get the information tools necessary to actually start browsing opportunities and bidding on government contracts. Topics covered will include:
- Provincial procurement
- Contracts
- BC Bid (how to browse opportunities and how to register to submit bids)
- The different types of procur5ement opportunities (including the new SRFP)
- Process flow for responding to an opportunity and expecting results
- Direct awards
- Corporate supply agreements
- Tips on what to avoid when responding to an opportunity
WHEN: Tuesday, September 23, 2014
WHERE: Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce 2279 Cranbrook St.N
TIME: 9:00 – 10:30 am
TO REGISTER: Call Nicola at 1 604 775 5610
Cranbrook & District Chamber of Commerce
Business after Business
Invite you to their
Grand Re-Opening
Thursday, September 25th from 5pm-7pm
RSVP by Monday September 22nd with Dee at 250-489-4711 or [email protected]
We look forward to meeting you
Join us for a wonderful evening full of activities
-Air bag deployment
-OnStar demonstration
-Automotive diagnostics
-Interactive demonstrations
All accompanied by delicious appetizers and a great atmosphere.
Supply and Demand of Small Business in BC Workshop
This session is for professionals, such as realtors, accountants and lawyers, as well as to community leaders to help them prepare for and develop strategies to minimize the impact of anticipated entrepreneurial shortages that are expected as a result of an aging population. Get the information you need to maintain a strong community during a period of Entrepreneur shortages.
Supply and demand of small business in BC 2011 – 2036
- Be aware of changing demographics
- Know where new population will come from
- Understand your competition for entrepreneurs
WHEN: Thursday, September 25
WHERE: Board room Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce – 2279 Cranbrook St. N
TIME: Noon – 1:30
TO REGISTER: Call 250.489.4356
Business Owner Succession Strategies
This session (BOSS) is aimed at business owners expecting to retire and sell their businesses over the next ten years. The goal of the session is to help entrepreneurs identify strategies to maximize the selling price (value) of their business and to reduce the time that it may take to sell the business by identifying the right target market and preparing the business for transition.
Get the information you need to plan and prepare for your desired succession
- Understand your exit options
- Ensure your business gets exposed to the right target market
- Maximize its value when you sell.
WHEN: Thursday, September 25
WHERE: Cranbrook and district Chamber of Commerce 2279 Cranbrook St. N.
TIME: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
TO REGISTER: Call 250.489.4356