2) Preparing to Open

Preparing your space

WorkSafeBC has released industry-specific guidance and resources for employers resuming operations as part of phase 2 of the provincial government’s restart plan.


Industry-specific guidelines and resources are now available for the following sectors:

COVID-19 Safety Plan Template here


For more information please visit WorkSafe BC’s website here

Physical Distancing

  • Public gatherings are limited to no more than 50 people.
  • Public gathering restrictions do not apply to retail.  Specific guidance for non-food retail here and for food retail here.
  • ALL employers must provide 2 metres physical distancing between all persons (e.g., both employees and customers).  Guidance for occupancy limit is one person per four square metres.
  • Employees MUST be permitted to take sick days when they are sick.  There can be no requirement for a note from a physician.



  • Cleaning: Consider increasing routine cleaning practices – if you are cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces once a day, move to twice a day using the products you already use.
  • Space: Consider the density of your business and provide additional space for customers and employees to interact; for example, consider how line ups or seating could be expanded so that people are able to put some distance – 1 to 2 metres – between one another.
  • Hand hygiene: Ensure your washrooms remain stocked with soap and consider offering hand sanitizer at entrances.
  • Communication: Show your customers, clients, members, and employees what you are doing to support the efforts to slow transmission of this virus by communicating online and at your place of business.
  • Employees who feel unwell: Support your employees to stay home if they are sick.

Guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting public settings here


Staffing up

Retail Council of Canada’s Checklist for Bringing Employees Back to Work:


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Anywear Garment Company

  • face masks
  • gloves

Home Hardware

  • masks
  • gloves
  • hand sanitizer
  • lysol
  • face-shields
  • coveralls

Canadian Tire

  • masks
  • gloves
  • 20 L pails of hand sanitizer

Bohemian Spirits

  • locally made wholesale sanitizer