Air Canada addresses Chamber concerns for cancellation of services

Air Canada addresses Chamber concerns for cancellation of services
Cranbrook, BC, July 9th, 2019. Representatives from Air Canada and Jazz Air were in town last week to meet with Cranbrook Chamber members to address the business communities concerns regarding the recent cancelation of Air Canada services between Cranbrook and Calgary.
Air Canada’s representative, Serge Corbeil, Director of Government Relations, addressed the crowded room to explain the reasoning behind Air Canada’s decision to suspend services between Calgary and Cranbrook. The decision, which Corbeil explained “was not about the ridership” came as a result of the company discontinuing their contract for services with Georgian Air (who provides regional services on smaller aircraft) and not having the current fleet options to replace them immediately. Corbeil acknowledged in his presentation that they are still looking at options to bring back service between the two communities.
The Chamber presented Corbeil and guests with the results of their recent survey of the business community addressing the impact to business the cancellation of service would have in the region. The large majority of respondents travel between the two cities up to nine times a year for work and personal reasons. Many respondents cited concerns with lack of flight options, risk of driving in the winter between the two cities, increased costs for other airlines without competition, and lengthier travel times and expense to travel for business.
“Last week’s meeting and the results of our recent Chamber survey are essential ways to show Air Canada the need for their service locally,” says Jason Fast, Chamber President. “We need to continue to still engage our members in the process and continue to relay that message on to Air Canada and to work with our partners at the airport and Tourism Cranbrook,” Fast continued.
Media Contact:
Kristin Parsons, Executive Director
Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce
T: 250 426 5914
Cell: 604-832-6361
E: [email protected]