Canadian Federal Budget 2021 and the Importance of Business-Led Recovery

As “Canadians and the businesses employing them are increasingly looking forward to a return to more normal lives and economic recovery”, Perrin Beatty, President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce says Canadian Chamber members want one thing: “a clear plan to help them lead Canada’s economic recovery”.
According to Trevin Stratton, Chief Economist at the Canadian Chamber, “we need a recovery that lifts everyone up and that grows all businesses, large and small, from coast to coast to coast. Getting back to normal is just the first step, however. We also need to address more structural issues”.
“As it looks forward, the Canadian Chamber is urging the government to tackle more structural issues within the business environment that, if left unaddressed, will hamper Canada’s economic recovery”.
To view these structural issues and to learn more about the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Budget 2021 submission, click here.