Chamber Events Postponed

In light of the rapidly changing situation surrounding COVID-19, the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce will be postponing all events scheduled for March and April until further notice. This includes the AGM scheduled for March 25th, the luncheon scheduled for April 15th, and the Business Excellence Awards Gala scheduled for April 18th.
The Chamber understands that we have a responsibility to the business community and to the broader community of Cranbrook to do everything in our power to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Canada and to reduce the potential strain on our medical facilities. In the interim, the Cranbrook Chamber will seek out other ways to support and facilitate connections between businesses in our area.
Aside from postponing these events, things at the Chamber will be business as usual. The Chamber staff will be available onsite to support our members during this period and will keep apprised of the changing information and recommendations around COVID-19.
We would like to take the opportunity to encourage the amazing members of this community to continue to be kind to one another, to think of those in our community who might be more vulnerable, and to support each other and our local businesses through this challenging time. We are all in this together.