Chamber puts call out for Volunteers

Cranbrook Visitor Center puts call out for Volunteers

Cranbrook, BC, April 30, 2019. The Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce, who operates two visitor centers in the community are putting out the call for more volunteers to assist them through the busy summer season. The tourism season is ramping up and they are already seeing a number of visitors to our community.  May 31st will see the opening of the Elizabeth Lake Visitor Information Centre at the south entrance to Cranbrook and they are looking for a few new volunteers to staff the satellite office which is open seven days per week from June to September long weekend.
“It is an opportunity to meet people from all over the world and tell them about the community and area you love.” Says Cranbrook Chamber Office Manager Laura Kennedy. “Many of our volunteers have formed lasting friendships by spending shift time together,” she adds.
Long time volunteers have nothing but positive comments about their time at the visitor centre.  It is a great chance to meet people and talk about the great attributes of Cranbrook and the region.  The time requirement is quite minimal at one four hour shift a week. Often couples work together or split up and work with others as a chance to socialize between visitors.  Training is provided to Destination BC guidelines and the season wraps up with a fabulous appreciation dinner.
“Our volunteers are essential to the visitor information services we provide at Elizabeth Lake. The vast majority of our volunteers are retired but of course all ages can sign up to enjoy a summer of talking to our visitors and providing information and directions”, said Kennedy. 
If you are looking for summer employment, the Chamber is also hiring two additional summer staff at their main office. For more information on the job postings please visit the Chamber website or social media pages.
To sign up, or to obtain more information for volunteering, please call Michelle Doll or Laura Kennedy at the Chamber office 250 426 5914


About the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce
The Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce has been delivering business advocacy support, education, networking and benefits to the Cranbrook and area since 1910, making them a valued and respected champion of business and a positive contributor to our community.
 The Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce is the only professional organization representing the entire depth and breadth of the Cranbrook business community. With over 450 members spanning the entire cross section of the local economy the Chamber is in a strong position to Build Business & Community. Through an engaged membership the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce can strategically direct policy and lobby to ensure a successful and sustainable future for the local economy, leading to a healthier business climate in Cranbrook.
Media Contact:
Kristin Parsons, Executive Director
Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce
T: 250 426 5914 
Cell:  604-832-6361
E: [email protected]