Chamber Turkey Drive results announced

December 12th,2018, Cranbrook, BC. Results have been announced for the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce 2018 Turkey Drive and this years’ total has far exceeded organizers targets reaching over $58,000 at the conclusion of the annual fundraising day.
The monies garnered are split between the Cranbrook Food Bank and the Salvation Army to assist each organization’s Christmas hamper program. The Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce organizes, processes, and facilitates the Turkey Drive ensuring that 100% of the monies donated goes to the two charities.
“What started out 9 years ago as a reaction to fill a need within the community, has blossomed into a true spirit of Christmas, ensuring that all families and individuals in our community can enjoy a Christmas hamper”, said Turkey Drive chair Jason Wheeldon, aka the Head Turkey.
Over 580 individual donors contributed to this year’s drive including a substantial donation of 100 turkeys courtesy of the local Save-On-Foods and a $3000 donation courtesy of Scotiabank. With the addition of this year’s total, the Turkey Drive has raised over $388,000 since its inception 9 years ago.
The Turkey Drive culminated with a one day all out push Thursday, December 6th that saw the Chamber office flooded with Little Pluckers working the phones to bring in donations.
During the Turkey Drive announcement at the Chambers luncheon on December 12th, Wheeldon explained the community wide scope of the project. “The success of this drive is because of the continued support of our donors, but also our team we put together every year.” The Head Turkey said the success of the Chamber Turkey Drive would not be possible without the tireless efforts of his Little Pluckers. “These are a
group of well-known locals from different sectors that work their contact lists with vigour. The collective efforts of the Little Pluckers create our success.”
The “Little Pluckers” rival each other and compete to ensure they make each years Turkey Drive a success. While it is a friendly rivalry, each one of the little pluckers is vying for the title of Chief Turkey and the award of the coveted Turkey Platter.
“It was an extremely close competition this year and a fierce rivalry between all the celebrity pledgers. The team raised more than half of this year’s target with pre-pledges while the rest came over the phone lines and drop offs to the Chamber on the day of the Drive.” Adds Wheeldon.
For the fourth consecutive year, Karin Penner was presented with the coveted Turkey Mirror Trophy for her efforts in soliciting over $19,620 in donations.
Major Kirk and Nancy Lemire from the Salvation Army and Gerry Oviatt from the Cranbrook Food Bank were on hand to receive the news and the cheques for the generous donation and each took a moment to thank the crowd and the community for their unwavering support of the vulnerable and less fortunate.
Additional donations are expected right up to Christmas. Those still wishing to donate can stop by the Chamber office, or call 250 426 5914.
Media Contact:
Kristin Parsons, Executive Director
Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce
250 426 5914 office