FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: Electric Vehicle Charger Funding

The Accelerate Kootenays 2.0 funding program is intended to diversify the places and spaces where EV drivers can access charging. This program is therefore open to private businesses as well as public and non-profit organizations, local governments and Indigenous local governments. While a variety of groups can receive funding to install Level 2 and/or DCFC charging, the stations must be accessible to the public 24/7.
Funding through this program is provided as a reimbursement, 50% of costs up to a total of:
- $5,000 per level 2 installed
- $15,000 per 20 kW – 49 kW Fast Charger installed
- $50,000 per 50 kW – 100 kW DC Fast Charger installed
**the maximum disbursement per ultimate recipient is $100,000. So, for example, a maximum of 2 DC Fast Chargers, or 20 Level 2.
The Preparation Stage will take place this November, with the Application for both streams opening on December 1st 2021. The application period closes on January 28th, 2022.
For more information, click here!