Kootenay Business Round Table Meeting

Presented by: Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce , Kimberley & District Chamber of Commerce , City of Cranbrook, City of Kimberley , Cranbrook Downtown Business Association, and Community Futures East Kootenay.
We want to hear from you! The purpose of this first open discussion for businesses will be to gather feedback about what our business communities need from us right now, so that we can better serve you as you navigate these uncertain waters.
Join us on April 7th @ 3 pm via the Zoom. Please email
This is an open invite to all businesses in our region, no need to register, just follow the Zoom link below on April 7th at 3 pm.
Speakers for this first round table will be:
Rob Morrison, MP
Tom Shypitka
Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick
Cranbrook Mayor Lee Pratt