Community Volunteer Income Tax Program

Canadian Mental Health Association for the Kootenay’s, Community Volunteer Income Tax Program will be starting on Monday March 7th and ending Friday April 29th.
Do you make less than $30,000 per year as a single person or $40,000 as a couple or single parent with children and have a simple tax situation and require assistance?
This program is offered locally to those who are not able to file for themselves due to financial, physical, or mental constraints.
Please view the eligibility poster and forms that are required prior to applying for assistance. If you, or anyone you know meets the criteria, please provide the forms so they can fill them out in advance and spend less time in our building.
At the base of this post are the Client Information forms. Please note there are 3 required signatures (highlighted areas).
Once filled out and signed, you have a few options to submit:
- Scan along with your income tax papers and email to [email protected]
- Drop off at the Main Office, Building #100-1000 21st Avenue North
- Visit their Main Office and fill out the forms in person. (300 – 1000 21st Ave N in Cranbrook. We are located behind the Canadian Mental Health Association for the Kootenays Administration office.)
Office hours are Monday to Friday, 10 am to 12 noon and 1pm to 3 pm, closed Statutory Holidays.
For confidentiality reasons, emails will be permanently deleted after the contents are printed. Once income tax has been e-filed and the individual has been notified it’s completed, all printed info will be shredded.